Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas Party

This morning Britten had her Christmas party with her Sunday School class up at the church. They are going to make ornaments, sing Christmas songs, and decorate Christmas cookies. She has been so excited about this all week....especially since I told her about the cookies. Yes, she is my child. After that, we are going to have her picture taken with Santa. I am anxious to see how she reacts to him this year! Last year she was too little to really understand. I hope she isn't too scared. I can remember how scared Kristin Lewis was at this age! (Now she is in college...not even right.) After a nap, Mommy has a Christmas party with all of her friends at the gym. Yes dinner with a bunch of aerobics instructors. Do I have to eat a salad and drink water. haha. Anyways, we are going to have a fun Saturday! Let the Christmas parties begin! Seasons Greetings!
As you can tell, Britten wasn't too psyched about having her picture taken this morning. She also told me her dress was ugly. Two's are going to be so fun! haha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so pretty in her dress. Tell her Pop Pop says it's a pretty dress. In the first picture she looks like she's in about the
1st grade. Love and miss ya'll bunches!