Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Teething...What fun! NOT!!

Well, we had another fun night last night with our teething Britten! On the 26th last month, Britten cut her two bottom teeth, and she decided that she needs a couple more! I think that she is getting her top front teeth, which will be way cute, but it doesn't seem so cute when you are up half the night! I know that it must hurt her and I feel bad because she has to be confused about what is going on. When she cut her first two teeth last month, we had a couple bad nights, and then she was back on schedule! Just PLEASE pray for our patience with this! We need it! We will post when we see the beautiful results of all of this pain! Love yall!


Anonymous said...

You must be tired!!! I hope her teeth don't "HURT" her too much and I will "PRAY" for ya'll. Maybe she just needs to teethe on Justin's nose again.

Anonymous said...

Teething isn't fun for anyone involved! Maybe you guys will get a good nights sleep tonight, Love ya'll and you're always in my prayers. Hang in there, gammy

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

Well, I guess this is what I get to look forward to...the sleepless nights!! Hope your night is better tonight. love ya'll!