These are Britten's one year pictures. It is hard to believe that she is a year old. She has grown so much in the past year and never fails to amaze me! I am so blessed to have such a smart, beautiful, well behaved little girl! She is our world! Britten had picked up on sign language and knows about ten different signs. She also says about 20 words regularly. She will repeat just about anything that you say. I love when she says Jesus (YEEESUS). She makes the cutest face when she says this. Britten is also walking everywhere...and getting into everything! Yesterday she stood up from the floor for the first time! She hates it when we carry her places....I guess that she wants us to know that she is one now....and a big girl! Britten is always teaching us new things.....I love the innocence that the possesses in everything she does! We thank God every day for the blessing that Britten is to us! We love you, sweet little girl!
She is a precious little girl. I love the 1st, 2nd, and 5th pictures! I miss you, Britten!!
These pictures are simply adorable!!!!! Can't wait for spring break to see her agian. Give her a hug and squeeze from me!
She is so pretty and getting so big. Growing up way too fast.
She is amazing!!! I would love to be spending time with you and her both!! I love you so very much and miss the yall even more!!
I LOVE getting to catch up on all your pics! Britten needs to move to Lubbock and teach Charlie how to talk!
I can't believe she is already one. She is very, very cute. Miss you guys.
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