Anytime Britten sees our cell phone, she has to "call Daddy". I told her that I wish we could call him when we chose to, and she told me that she could. She called President Bush and cleared things up......Britten Nicole Steffens misses her Daddy and wants his direct number! ha ha. She likes to pretend that she is talking to him , and it is the sweetest thing. She will walk, stop, put her hand on her hip,(I guess I do that), and talk to Daddy! I love it! Funny story.....Britten has a Dora plastic chair, as well as a Dora pillow. The other day we were in the living room and I knew that her pillow was on the floor, so I told her"Go get backpack" ( I was curios if she really would). as soon as I told her that she left the living room, and headed back towards her room. After a few seconds, she came walking down the hall happily screaming. I looked up and saw that she was carrying her Dora chair over her head while walking to me. I laughed sooooo hard, and couldn't stop. She thought that it was funny that Mommy was laughing, so she joined in. I think that we giggled for about 5 minutes. This is her favorite thing to do to make Mommy
She is just tooo cute! I think that is precious that she wants to talk to her daddy!!! Can't wait to hold and squeeze and kiss all over that sweet little grandgirl!
I love those pj's! She is so cute! I love the chair story and her with the phone. I know she misses her daddy so much!
That is about the cutest thing I'ver ever seen. If she needs any help with the president Pop Pop will try to help
I love her personality. She is just like you Lindsay!
I think the president's number is 1-800-whitehouse.
O wait, I forgot they changed it..the new number is 1-800-US-4life
Blaze loves Dora, too...they will have fun together. Come home and I will drive from Amarillo and we can hang out together. I miss ya!! Will someone please email me and tell me where Justin is?
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