Last Wednesday was Justin's Pin On Ceremony. He is officially Staff Sargent Steffens. The tradition for pinning on is to have someone on each side of you punch you as you receive your new stripes. I was able to be on one side, and one of Justins friends, Sgt Pierson was on the other side. I really didn't get a good hit because Britten started crying, but Justin said that the other side hurt pretty bad! We are so proud of Justin and all of his hard work! He is our hero!
Can I punch him when I see him next??
Congratulations to you Justin. You know I won't punch you !!!
Lindsay said the punching thing just goes on for a little while but I can punch you anytime I want to. I am so proud of you. Congratulations!
Great news...congrats to you all. You look great, L!
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