It is sooo warm outside, and me and Britten were both excited to get our summer clothes out (my white legs were scary, though!). We had fun running errands today, and playing outside with the puppies!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My Favorite Girl!
It is sooo warm outside, and me and Britten were both excited to get our summer clothes out (my white legs were scary, though!). We had fun running errands today, and playing outside with the puppies!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Like My Pop Pop
Britten said that she wants to be a fireman like her Pop Pop... at least for the day!! She really doesn't like wearing this hat, but I had to snap a few pictures. She got this fire hat at a sandwich shop here in Georgia called Firehouse subs. I knew that Pop Pop would love the pictures! (And everyone else, too, because who can resist Ms. Britten?)
Monday, February 19, 2007
"Calling Daddy"
Anytime Britten sees our cell phone, she has to "call Daddy". I told her that I wish we could call him when we chose to, and she told me that she could. She called President Bush and cleared things up......Britten Nicole Steffens misses her Daddy and wants his direct number! ha ha. She likes to pretend that she is talking to him , and it is the sweetest thing. She will walk, stop, put her hand on her hip,(I guess I do that), and talk to Daddy! I love it! Funny story.....Britten has a Dora plastic chair, as well as a Dora pillow. The other day we were in the living room and I knew that her pillow was on the floor, so I told her"Go get backpack" ( I was curios if she really would). as soon as I told her that she left the living room, and headed back towards her room. After a few seconds, she came walking down the hall happily screaming. I looked up and saw that she was carrying her Dora chair over her head while walking to me. I laughed sooooo hard, and couldn't stop. She thought that it was funny that Mommy was laughing, so she joined in. I think that we giggled for about 5 minutes. This is her favorite thing to do to make Mommy
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day
Today when we were at the grocery store, Britten saw a Dora Valentine Day balloon that she wanted(a "backpack balloon" to her). We got it at about 2 this afternoon, and she hasn't wanted to put it down since! It has gone to the gym when Mommy worked out, to the mall, and even in the bathtub! She cracks me up! We had a pretty good Valentines Day, even though our favorite Valentine was gone! Hope everyone got a lot of chocolate and flowers!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Yummmmm..Powdered Doughnuts!
Almost done!!!
I bought some powdered doughnuts at the store the other day so Britten could try them. ( I was craving them as well)! Anyways......she of course loved them and kept saying please more! How could you not love them with all of the sugar that is on them. I will let you know if she took a nap today or if the sugar kept her up and going. I think that there are a few pictures of me growing up with powder on my face from these doughnuts! Yum!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Princess Britten
Britten wanted to play dress up this evening, so we put on her Princess hat and I gave
her her magic wand. She told me that she was going to wish that time would go by fast and Daddy would be back soon! :) WE had a lot of fun running around the house today. It was sad because Britten kept looking for Daddy, and I had to tell her that he had to go bye bye for a little while. She keeps asking to see his picture!! We will miss you, Justin! WE love you sooooo much!!
Monday, February 05, 2007
One year Pictures

These are Britten's one year pictures. It is hard to believe that she is a year old. She has grown so much in the past year and never fails to amaze me! I am so blessed to have such a smart, beautiful, well behaved little girl! She is our world! Britten had picked up on sign language and knows about ten different signs. She also says about 20 words regularly. She will repeat just about anything that you say. I love when she says Jesus (YEEESUS). She makes the cutest face when she says this. Britten is also walking everywhere...and getting into everything! Yesterday she stood up from the floor for the first time! She hates it when we carry her places....I guess that she wants us to know that she is one now....and a big girl! Britten is always teaching us new things.....I love the innocence that the possesses in everything she does! We thank God every day for the blessing that Britten is to us! We love you, sweet little girl!
Justins Pin On Ceremony

Last Wednesday was Justin's Pin On Ceremony. He is officially Staff Sargent Steffens. The tradition for pinning on is to have someone on each side of you punch you as you receive your new stripes. I was able to be on one side, and one of Justins friends, Sgt Pierson was on the other side. I really didn't get a good hit because Britten started crying, but Justin said that the other side hurt pretty bad! We are so proud of Justin and all of his hard work! He is our hero!
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