Our Ellie is such a sweetheart. I cannot believe that she is growing up so quickly. She wants to walk so bad and she is so close. Regardless, she is still able to move sooo fast. She is into everything. Her favorite trick is unrolling the toilet paper. She also loves playing with doors. I do not like this because her fingers get so close. She always closes the door to her room, and then sits right in front of it where you can't get in. Then she cries. Silly girl. She is picking up on sign language pretty well. She looked at Justin a few days ago after she woke up from her nap, and signed more to eat. She knew that it was time. She also loves books. Especially if they have pictures of kids in them. She just giggles. Her favorite one is from Granny and Grandad called God Made Me. I could read this book with my eyes closed (Ally, I know you could recite it too!). She loves to sit at the bottom of the stairs and yell up to Britten. Ellie usually wakes up around 7-7:30, and Britt doesn't get up till 8. Apparently Ellie doesn't like this too much. Guess that I am too boring. So she will crawl to the stairs and yell up to Britt. So adorable. We are so blessed.
You have to take a double take to be sure it's not her mommy. Beautiful little girl.
Love y'all,
Pop Pop
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm right in her crib, get that diaper off, her legs spreaad and time for fun
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