Do I have to many pictures? NOOOOO. Not enough. I cannot get enough of these girls. I always heard that you will not take as many pictures of your second child. This is not true for me.
I was putting clothes in the dryer on Sunday before church, and Britten comes into the laundry room and tells me that she put Ellie in the chair for her picture. ( I always try to get their pictures once a week). It took a while for it to process, and then I realized that Britten put Ellie in the chair in the living room all by herself then left. So I ran in there and as soon as I turned the corner to the living room, I see Ellie leap off of the chair and land on all fours. I was waiting for a cry but she just looked up at me and started giggling. What a nut. So I had to have a talk with Brit about picking Ellie up. She told me, but Momma she looked so adorable today and I knew that you would want a picture!! I was just trying to help. What a sweetheart. Britt really does have a heart of gold, as her Daddy would say. Ellie is always one step (or crawl) behind her. They are such a blessing for Justin and I.
Pigtails...really?! She is so stinkin cute! They BOTH are! Love the chair story. Britten's right. She looks adorable!
I cannot put into words how very much I miss these two girls! I am starting to check July flights as we speak! ARe you going to be home in July? Love you all! gammy
Love the expressions on Ellie. What to do with Britt...she's getting prettier every day.
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