The day after Thanksgiving, we got all of our Christmas decorations out. This is our favorite thing to do, and we are always so eager to get started! We put on some Christmas music and decorate as a family. Britten was bouncing off the walls because she was so excited. I remember that I was always the same was as a kid. Christmas has always been my Moms favorite holiday, so I guess that I take after her! I love the smells, lights, mood, decorations, and music. I love thinking back to all the traditions that we had at Christmas as a family growing up. From baking a million cookies, driving to Sweeny to see Granny and Grandad, my Dad making me say that Santa was real, ALL the decorations, playing in the snow, etc. One that is really special to me is sitting in the rocking chair with my Great Mam Maw by the fire. The Lewis family Christmas were always interesting. The kids would put on a program for the adults, which was always funny. One year my Dad and his brothers painted their belly's and sang a Christmas song. I remember that Kristin was so scared! I also remember caroling at the rest home to Grandma. I know that she loved having her great grand kids there!What great memories. I remember that Staci was always first to wake up.....I am not sure how she did it. She would always wake Ally up first, then me. Then we would all yell up the stairs to Mom and Dad (Whom I am sure weren't too thrilled at the time), then we had to wait at the end of the hall while Mom got the video camera ready. We would run down the hall when we got the OK in our matching pj's to see what Santa had left us. Then we would take turns opening up presents. We always had sausage balls in the oven. I remember one Christmas when Staci read a passage about the birth of Christ. It was so neat and thoughtful. May we always remember the true reason for Christmas.....Christ. I hope that I can carry on these traditions with my family, as well as making new ones. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE.
Many sweet, sweet memories! May we always strive to make special memories and remember that the gift of time spent together is the best gift of all! And you are right --- may Christ always be the center of ALL we do! Love you all! mom
Such awesome remember so many! Love the pictures. The last one of Ellie looks just like you as a baby!
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