Is she realy already that old? Man, that doesn't even sound right! I cannot believe how much Ellie has grown lately. She loves to smile, and if she is awake she is usually doing it. She loves to be in her excersaucer playing. She loves to share her passy with baby dolls. I can not believe how much she loves Brittens Cabbage Patch dolls. She just looks at them and smiles and kisses them. She is getting so much better at sitting up. This is her favorite position, and will not lay down unless she is sleeping. She wants to be such a big girl. She does not like to ride in the car unless she is right next to her sister. If we put her too far away, she will scream the whole time. She also believes that when we eat, she should be eating...even if she just had a bottle. I can tell that she is not going to have a problem once she starts on food! Ellie is such a good baby. We are so blessed with such a beautiful, happy little girl!
Wow what curls. Maybe she gets them from Ad-Dad. Alot of people still call him curly. I just want to squeeze Ellie. She looks like a Cabbage Patch herself.
Love ya'll
Pop Pop
What a beautiful, curly-headed adorable baby granddaughter she is! Just like all my grandgirls!!! I am so blessed to have such wonderful grandchildren and to have them be in such amazing families! Keep up the great work being parents! About 26 days and I'll be squeezing two little curly-headed girls! Sure anxious! gammy
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