Group picture of all the wives inside Our jet from the outside The inside of the jet Refueling the F-15 over the Atlantic The F-15 from the wing view Yesterday, I was able to fly on a mission over the Atlantic with all of the other spouses in Justins squadron. It was so neat to be able to experience what Justin does. We flew off of the coast of Florida to refuel the F-15 fighter. The KC-135 is the jet that Justin maintains, and they refuel the jets in the sky. It was sooo cool!!They have this thing called the boom pod at the back of the jet, and you lay down on your stomach and look at the ground below you. All that separated us was a piece of glass! We were able to lay there while they refueled the F-15. They are so close to us that we were able to read the nametag on the pilot inside. This was an awesome experience, and I can't wait to do it again!
That is soooo amazing! Do they sponsor a trip for the crazy mother-in-laws of the squadron? haha I'm not sure I would be brave enough to go, but it looks awesome!!!!!! love ya!
That is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. I always said I would love to fly in a fighter but this looks as cool or better. Do you think Justin could get me a flight if I would change my story from being a doctor in the Army to one in the Air Force? Ha!
That is soooo amazing! Do they sponsor a trip for the crazy mother-in-laws of the squadron? haha I'm not sure I would be brave enough to go, but it looks awesome!!!!!! love ya!
How freaking cool is that? I am such a scaredy cat when it comes to flying, but I think I would have had to try!
That is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. I always said I would love to fly in a fighter but this looks as cool or better. Do you think Justin could get me a flight if I would change my story from being a doctor in the Army to one in the Air Force? Ha!
This made me nervous just reading about it! Especially that you could read the pilots nametag!!! What an amazing experience though.
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