Last night, Britten experienced her first Halloween. She thought that it was the strangest night! Getting into a costume (the black nose confused her), and having a lot of people ring the doorbell for candy was very strange to her!! She really loved it though. As soon as we got her dressed, we visited some neighbors, and then headed up to the church for the Fall Festival. They had all kinds of treats and games. Mommy and Britten loved the cotton candy. After that, we headed back to the house and handed out candy. By the time the night was over, Britten was sleepy and ready for bed! She said that she can't wait until next year when she is old enough to go Trick or Treating!!
She makes a very precious ladybug!!! Is she saying "cheese" in the picture where Justin is holding her? That's what it looks like! Miss you all. Maybe someday you guys will live here and she can trick-or-treat at gammy's house, too!
She's the cutest little lady bug I've ever seen!
I agree with "ANT" Ally she's the cutest INSECT I've ever seen with those little teeth showing.
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