I left Britten on a blanket in the living room, so I could go wash some bottles in the kitchen. It hadn't even been a whole minute, and I walked back in to check on her, and she was completely off of the blanket with her head turned all wierd. She was just as happy as can be, though! Sometimes I think that she wants to be left alone, so that she can do whatever she wants! If I would have been in there with her, I wouldn't have let her roll on the hard floor. I think that she was trying to show me how tough she is! ( Do you see how light her hair has gotten? We may have a redhead!)
Did the lighter hair just happen over the last couple of days? It doesn't look near that light in any of the other pictures! She sure looks pretty!!
She may think she's tough but wait until I see her again we will have to wrestle and find out just who's the toughest. SHE MIGHT JUST BE!!
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