Today I gave Britten my Carebear blanket that was mine when I was little. I named this blanket Inee because when I was little and wanted it, I would always say I need, I need. This was a very special moment and meant a lot to me. Of course, I cried. I don't get out much anymore being a stay at home Mom! Anything will make me cry these days! HAHA. Speaking of funny moments....I was at the store yesterday and had a Cosmopolitian and a new Sudoku book ( I am addicted). I thought, ok, you can only get one. So....being the borring stay at home Mom that I am, I chose the Sudoku book. I figure I didn't need any help on what the new styles are since I am usually in my pajamas with my hair in a ponytail!!!!!!
Britten looks more and more like her mommy everyday especially holding the Care Bear Inee. Brings back a lot of good memories.
I love sudoku! but i love my Cosmo, too. How did you ever make such a hard decision??
Awww...how sweet! She looks so big! Be sure and give her a hug and kiss from her aunt Ally.
How sweet that she loves your inee. I need to make her one of her own, too! gammy
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