We were pretty busy this Halloween since it came so quickly after Disney World, especially. We had a lot of fun, though. On the 30th, we went downtown for "Boo It", which is a little festival with fun activities to do. Afterwards, all the kids trick or treat at all the downtown businesses, which she loves. She really got the goodies....Great. haha. Brittany and her son Connor(dressed up as Brian Urlacher) met us there. Let me tell you....these two love being together. They are adorable, and always make us parents laugh. I have no clue why they were squatting down, but it was hilarious. Hayley and Andrew also met up with us. It was so cute to see the girls as princesses. Andrew was a ninja....I hate that we didn't get him in a picture! On Halloween night we trick or treated on base. It was very relaxing and fun. It is so neat to see the excitement on Britten's face during Halloween. She is already talking about what she wants to be next year, but it changes every day. I am sure that Ellie will tell us next year what she wants to be as well!! (Probably not a mouse again!)
Brissy sure is an adorable grown up looking Cinderella. Little Ellie is the cutest long haired mouse I've ever seen.
Love ya'll.
Pop Pop
That ponytail is too much! Adorable.
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