Ok, this happened over a month ago, but I still wanted to share the pictures. This was Britten's first dance recital. I really do not think that she understood what was going on. She did a great job, though. Her class did one tap, and one ballet performance. Britten's favorite is tap....I think because it is faster and moves more for her. She did so good at getting on stage and remembering her spot. She did keep looking around, but it was so cute. When they got back up there for the ballet dance, I think that she was ready to get home. It was right in the middle of the day when she is used to a nap, so that didn't help. It also wasn't helpful that they danced with a teddy bear for the first part of the ballet dance. That seemed to distract all the kids. She did great, and didn't throw the bear at the end like she did in dress rehearsal. She did decide to start talking to her best friend Hailey during the song. It was hilarious. She was so proud of her trophy at the end...her first one. She tells me that she wants to take dance again next year. I am sure that we will also be trying out all sorts of sports as well.
I had to put a picture of Daddy trying to get Britt's ballet shoes on. They were so tight, but I didn't want to have to buy new ones if she didn't want to take dance next year. Plus she has been growing so much lately. We managed.....but I know that she didn't want them on long!!
She is definitely the most beautiful ballerina (tap dancer) I've ever seen! Wish I could have been there! gammy
SOOO cute! I love the first one and the one with Justin's glasses. She really looks like him in that one! love you lots!!
she looks like a princess.
Love ya'll
Pop Pop
What fun! I can't wait for Payton to start extra activities like dance.
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