When I was pregnant with Britten, Justin painted a Jack o' Lantern on my belly for Halloween, so he wanted to do something for our Ellie Belly too. First he painted a flower, then he did a patriotic design the next night. Ellie does not like this at all. She goes wild. Britten had to get some art work done as well and the second night wanted it on her tummy like me. What a cutie she is. (Like she really has a belly....ha ha). Justin is really good at doing this and I know that he likes to do it. He wouldn't let me post the pictures of how Britten painted his face. No fun.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Belly Paint
When I was pregnant with Britten, Justin painted a Jack o' Lantern on my belly for Halloween, so he wanted to do something for our Ellie Belly too. First he painted a flower, then he did a patriotic design the next night. Ellie does not like this at all. She goes wild. Britten had to get some art work done as well and the second night wanted it on her tummy like me. What a cutie she is. (Like she really has a belly....ha ha). Justin is really good at doing this and I know that he likes to do it. He wouldn't let me post the pictures of how Britten painted his face. No fun.
Thirty Eight Weeks
Monday, June 29, 2009
Vacation Bible School
This year the theme for VBS was the Boomerang Express....
G'Day Mate!
Take a thrilling ride across the land down under with LifeWay's Boomerang Express! As kids wind their way across Australia, they'll discover the vastness of God's love, and they'll learn that no matter where they go or what they do in life-it all comes back to Jesus.
Britten loved it and really looked forward to going every night. Last week she was wanting to go again and couldn't understand that it was only for one week. She learned so much, including new bible stories and songs. She also loved getting to know everyone in her class and really enjoyed having our pastors wife, Karen, for her teacher. She did great at the performance at the end and sang and danced to all the songs. We thought that she would be too shy! I know that she is looking forward to next year's VBS.
Justin and I attended the adult class every evening and enjoyed all the bible study and fellowship. It was a great experience for the whole Steffens clan!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Brittens Dance Recital
Ok, this happened over a month ago, but I still wanted to share the pictures. This was Britten's first dance recital. I really do not think that she understood what was going on. She did a great job, though. Her class did one tap, and one ballet performance. Britten's favorite is tap....I think because it is faster and moves more for her. She did so good at getting on stage and remembering her spot. She did keep looking around, but it was so cute. When they got back up there for the ballet dance, I think that she was ready to get home. It was right in the middle of the day when she is used to a nap, so that didn't help. It also wasn't helpful that they danced with a teddy bear for the first part of the ballet dance. That seemed to distract all the kids. She did great, and didn't throw the bear at the end like she did in dress rehearsal. She did decide to start talking to her best friend Hailey during the song. It was hilarious. She was so proud of her trophy at the end...her first one. She tells me that she wants to take dance again next year. I am sure that we will also be trying out all sorts of sports as well.
I had to put a picture of Daddy trying to get Britt's ballet shoes on. They were so tight, but I didn't want to have to buy new ones if she didn't want to take dance next year. Plus she has been growing so much lately. We managed.....but I know that she didn't want them on long!!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Four months apart is way too long!! Especially for a little girl. It was so hard explaining the days to her and that Daddy would be home soon. This day was so special to us, and there were a lot of tears of joy. None of us cried when he left back in January, but we all cried tears of relief as he returned in May. Daddy had a teddy bear from England for Britten, along with lots of hugs for the both of us. It was so sweet to see her reaction towards him....she was a little unsure at first, then she started crying before either of us did. Of course this made us all cry. After a few seconds, she was ready to go to Daddy and she hasn't wanted to be apart from him since. It was interesting to see Justin be able to love on my "Ellie belly" as well. When he left it was a small bump, and when he saw me again it was huge. lol. We are so blessed to have Daddy back home again and are loving all of our time together!!