Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Playing with Daddy

Britten, as I have said before, loves to be outside. Saturday after nap time, we went outside and played for a few hours. I had to take so pictures of Britten shooting the BB gun with Daddy. They shot empty cans filled with water. Britten thought that it was the neatest thing.(Yes, Allyson I let my daughter shoot a gun)We are so ready for summertime! (Do her and her Daddy look alike?)


pop pop said...

Yes they do look a lot alike. Be careful with the gun though.

Anonymous said...

They are both adorable!!!! She just looks so very grown up. Post pics on picaso for me please!!! gammy

The Brays said...

Micah can't wait for this day to come. Payton already watches hunting shows with him. It is great for them to have Daddy time too!

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

You are a HORRIBLE mother!!!!! Just kidding...I love you! Looks like fun...as long as the gun isn't kept in my house! They do look alike, but I actually thought Taylor looks like Britten in that second picture.