I am very aware that Britten has a lot of my physical, as well as personality traits, but I also see a lot of her Daddy in her. She definitely has his eyes......and I love them. This is one of my favorite traits on Justin, and I am glad that Britten has the same color as he does. Another thing that she gets from her Daddy is sticking out her tongue when she is concentrating. I think this is adorable. As soon as I see her doing it, I tell her to put her tongue in her mouth....and she sticks it out even further!! Which brings me to stubbornness.....OK OK....she gets that from both of us! I also love how laid back her personality is. This comes from her Daddy for sure. My family was always the go go type ( Mom and Dad still are) which is OK, but it is nice to be able to relax with them, too. She gets a lot of her outgoing personality from her Mommy....she never meets a stranger, but she also occasionally gets a little shy. That comes from Daddy. I am sure that I will notice more and more thing that the two loves of my life have in common the older Britten gets. One thing I know is that I love them both SO VERY MUCH!( Like that's a surprise to anyone!)
What a sweet post! Mom, Dustin, and I were just talking tonight about how Britten is such a mix of ya'll. I do see a lot of Justin in her features and more of you in her personality. That picture of her is too cute!!
I agree with you about the mixture. It's a great mixture. I sure do miss ya'll.
Your uncle John said he sees both you and Allyson in your girls. he is exactly right --- but he doesn't know Justin like we do --- and you are exactly right that Britten has so much of Justin in her. She is a sweet girl and your post was sweet. I love and miss all three of you!
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