YEA! I am so excited about this. I went to training this past weekend (YES a whole weekend of working out) to become a Body Training Systems Group Power instructor. I am going to be teaching at the gym that I go to here in GA, and I LOVE IT! I taught my first class yesterday morning at out new gym location. I have always know that the fitness field was something that I wanted to work in, but I didn't realize how much I would love it.
Yall all know that there is not a shy bone in my body!
lol. SO I don't mind being up on stage yelling at people.I am going to start out teaching a few times a week, then move up to more. I am also going to get certified to teach Group Ride, which is like Spinning. I am also trying to convince the Group Coordinator to get Group Groove, which is a
cardio Dance class, and Group Kick, which is kickboxing. Check out this website, it is way cool
www.bodytrainingsystems.comWish me luck!!
How much fun. You're going to be in such great shape!
I am proud of you for doing this and a little envious. We will just have to see how much it pays off for you. When I see ya'll next we will have to arm wrestle for a coke. Love you
I think of you now every time I do power. I'm so glad you enjoy teaching! I know you are GREAT!!! I sure do miss you guys!
Man, I am impressed. I can't imagine ever wanting to lead a class, much less wanting to work out. I need help in the area ;)!!
I can say without reservation that Group Power is the premier total body fitness regimen currently available. Since starting group Power 14 months ago, I have attained and body of steel!
I'm looking foward to becoming a Group Power instructor myself.
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