Dustin, Allyson, and Taylor were able to come to Georgia for a week to visit, and we all had a lot of fun. Britten and Taylor were able to play with each other.....Britten loved having her around. We went to Savannah for a few days, visited the Peach Orchard, The guys went golfing while we got pedicures and went to the pool,and got to catch up on everything in each others lives! We had so much fun! Can't wait to see yall again! Love yall!
Those sure are good pictures. Britten is looking so old and grown up. I bet she really enjoyed
Ally, Dustin and Baby Girl being there. Can't wait to see ya'll.
Love and miss you.
AAAUUUGGGHHH Savanah!!! good times, great oldies!!!! Love the pic with the sleeping babies, I have one kind of like that with Cory King!!!
We miss ya'll so much already! We had a blast! I'm so glad it finally stopped raining in Savannah so we could enjoy it! I love the third bean bag picture, the one of the girls sleeping, and esp the one with the "eee-eee" coming out of Justin's ears. Love ya'll!
Great pictures. I need to get copies of them all!!!!! Can you mail me a CD? miss you all so much. Hug that pretty Britten for me!
Just precious. I am so glad ya'll had such a great time.
Great pictures! I love the pic of you and Justin in front of the fountain! Its beautiful! And Britten's hair looks so light in some of the pics. It looks like ya'll had a blast! That Taylor is awful cute!
I love that they sleep the same. SO CUTE
OH both of these girls are just beautiful, and great pictures too!!
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