No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?
Sometimes I am guilty of filling my day until I have had enough and I am worn out. Even if it is just little things around the house that "have to get done", I sometimes feel like I never slow down. Then I realize what is truly important.....the little girl that sits in front of me. She could care less if the laundry or dishes are done, or if the floor needs to be mopped, all that she cares about is me playing with her and loving on her. I realize that she won't look back on how clean and orderly are house was when she was a kid, but will look back a remember all of the fun things that we did. I need this constant reminder that life is short....and we should take nothing for granted!! I want to be a wonderful christian example for my daughter, and I will strive to do this every day....clean house or not!
You are so right about what is important in life. I, too, worried too much about things. Just keep reminding yourself about how important Britten is to you! By the way, you are doing super great!
There is no doubt in my mind that you are doing the most important thing. You can see it in her eyes and her momma's eyes in these pictures. Just keep it up. I am so proud of you, Ally and Staci for how wonderful you are.
You're did make me cry! You are a great mom! I am guilty, too, of these things. I imagine most mom's are. Britten is such a blessed little girl. I love you!!!
That was so sweet lins! you are a wonderful mom!
We are all just goes to show that you want everything perfect for her. You are super fab mom!!
(cute dress by the way...)
Wow you are so grown up and so smart about what is truly important, you are a super mom I can tell.
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