Tonight Justin graduated from Airman Leadership School. This means that he is prepared to take on a supervisor role and will put on his next stripe in February. The class was five weeks long and trained all of the Senior Airmen to become Staff Sergeants. Staff Sergeant Steffens....sounds good, huh? The ceremony tonight was by far the most fancy thing that I have ever attended. It was so neat to be able to attend such a traditional military ceremony while watching my husband graduate. The ceremony made us feel very patriotic and proud to be a part of the United States Air Force.
Justin I am so proud of you. That is wonderful. Thank you again for all you do for us and the sacrifices you give to keep this wonderful country of ours free
We are so proud of Justin and all the other men that serve our country. Wish we could've been there. Congrats Justin...what a great accomplishment. And whoa Lindsay, you look HOT!!! I want to borrow that dress!
Hey Lindsay Heyyy!! Congrats to both of you!! Thank you for what you do Justin!! But get home....not only so I can see your hot self but to share clothes...haha. I love you!
Justin, how proud I am of all you do for our country. Congrats to you for all your hard work. What an honor to have a son-in-law who serves our country in such a way. And Lindsay, you make a beautiful Staff Seargant's wife! love you both and can't wait to see you.
Congrats Justin...and how awesome do you look Lindsay!!! WOW
You guys look great
Thats great justin!! Congrats! Cant's wait to see you guys!!
I'm with Kenda. As cute as your guy looks in that uniform? You look amazing, Lindsay!
Hug each other for me and BRAVO you two!
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