Ok...sorry that there hasn't been any pictures of Britten lately. Our computer was so messed up and we had to reinstall everything! Britten is talking soooo much. She likes to say puppup(puppy) kiki(kitty) cookcook(cookie) nana(banana) and a lot of other things. Like I said before....Britten loves Dora. There is one part in the show where Dora needs something out of her backpack, and she says say backpack!! Britten apparently was really listening because she said baback. Ally even got to hear it. She is getting so old. My neighbor has pet rats (I know eww) and they let them out and run around. One day Britten and I were over there and Britten saw one of the rats and said puppy. We thought that it was so cute. It is amazing how much more we are able to communicate with Britten. I can tell that she really understands a lot. If she is doing something that she knows she isn't supposed to be doing, all I have to say is "Britten" in a stern voice, and she starts to cry. She is able to tell me when she wants a cookie or banana, and I love that. It is so neat to have a little person to communicate with. They are really great listeners!!!
She's getting so big. Looks like she's going to have your strong legs. Post more pictures.
It's amazing how big she is and it's so fun to watch them walk around and all. But she does get into a lot more, doesn't she? Hug her and kiss her for me!
FINALLY! I was having withdrawels. She is super cute. I cna't believe how much she can talk. Soon she will be telling you about how she really wants to hang out with her great Aunt Averi.
She has gotten TOO BIG TOO FAST!! I hate it that I'm not there to play with her. I think it's so funny that she's getting into things she's not suppose to...like mother like daughter!!
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