Britten got her ears pierced this past Monday at the mall in Macon. She was so tough and didn't cry that much. She did scream at first! Poor thing! I wasn't too worried about her, though! I was more worried about Justin! He stayed in the hall while she was getting it done, and when they were finished, he came in there with tears in his eyes! You can see how much he loves this little girl. He told he that he hates seeing her cry! I always knew that Justin would be a good Dad, but he has turned out to be the most wonderful Dad ever! I can tell that he and Britten are going to be really close buddies! They are both my whole world and I would do anything for them!
I like the serious the best...but Pat votes for the happy pose. I guess it is a toss up!
Precious! I love the earrings. You will be thankful later that you did it now. Kyler loves her earrings and doesn't even remember getting them done!
I can't believe she looks so old. I like the happy pose. I think Justin should have gotten his nose pierced so it would be easier for Britten.
I LOVE the serious one. She looks like a little model! The earrings are precious too.And what a sweet story about Justin...he is a really good Dad!!
You are a braver mom than me!
I like the happy...no the serious one...no I just love them all. She is a doll and all three of you mean the world to me!!!! love you all bunches, gammy
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