Today Britten told me that her favorite pasttime is sleeping. It would be my favorite one, too, if I ever got any. It always seems like she is sleeping so hard, so I think that i can get a quick nap in. As soon as my head hits the pillow, she decides that she is ready to wake up. I don't mind, though. I love it when she will only quit crying whenever she is holding my finger. She usually falls asleep this way, too. She is too cute for words. I am so blessed.
You know that if that passie was out of her mouth, she would be sleeping just like her mommy with her mouth wide open!!
She looks so relaxed. Maybe Britten would let me borrow her passie so I could be as relaxed as her and get a good nights sleep!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm still in her crib, I want to strip her andmolest her it is so hot doing them in the crib
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