Mommy and Brit
Mommy pulling Brit on the sled
We were so glad when we got snow yesterday! It is pretty rare that the part of North Carolina that we live in gets any, but we have been lucky the two winters that we have lived here. Yesterday was really cold, and it was still sleeting. We went out there anyway but we didn't stay out there for too long. I was scared to get Ellie out there at all. Britten got to see Connor for a little while and play in the snow with him. It was soft enough yesterday for her to make snow angels, and we even made snow ice cream. When we woke up this morning, everything was so icy. Justin made a little sled for Britten and we had so much fun. Even Ellie got to ride for a little bit after she woke up from her nap. She was a little confused about what was going on, though. Kyle and Andi were out there with us for a while, but Andi decided that the snow was not for her and went inside by the fire. Kyle got stuck pulling Brits sled, and we all walked down the street to see some friends. Justin and I even got in a little snow ball fight. We had a lot of fun today!