Monday, December 31, 2007
Christmas with the Steffens
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Licking the Beaters
Today I taught Britten a very important life lesson.....the best part about baking is licking the beaters! She thought that is was so much fun to be able to carry her "Yummy stick" around! This is my favorite part about baking anything sweet!! (Pardon my stay at home Mom sans makeup style. I promise I own a brush!)
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Christmas Pictures 2007
Here are a few more snapshots of Britten on Friday after her Christmas Party. I took her to the mall to try to get some pictures for a Christmas card, but I didn't get any that I wanted for the cards. They are very cute, though. I was just ready to get out of that madness that day.....Britten did not want to walk, so I was carrying her around looking for anything Christmasy. It was freakin hot in the mall because for some reason they thought that the heater should be on even though it was almost 80 degrees outside. I swear....Central Georgia is too hot for me! I need snow...even just a little breeze would do! Haha! Anyways.....we had a pretty good day. Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Christmas Party
This morning Britten had her Christmas party with her Sunday School class up at the church. They are going to make ornaments, sing Christmas songs, and decorate Christmas cookies. She has been so excited about this all week....especially since I told her about the cookies. Yes, she is my child. After that, we are going to have her picture taken with Santa. I am anxious to see how she reacts to him this year! Last year she was too little to really understand. I hope she isn't too scared. I can remember how scared Kristin Lewis was at this age! (Now she is in college...not even right.) After a nap, Mommy has a Christmas party with all of her friends at the gym. Yes dinner with a bunch of aerobics instructors. Do I have to eat a salad and drink water. haha. Anyways, we are going to have a fun Saturday! Let the Christmas parties begin! Seasons Greetings!
As you can tell, Britten wasn't too psyched about having her picture taken this morning. She also told me her dress was ugly. Two's are going to be so fun! haha
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happy 27th Ally

I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my OLDER sister Allyson! I looked for pictures of us that were saved on my computer, and couldn't find any! My scanner is broken, so this is what I got! I love you so much, and I am glad that you are my sister! You are truly a blessing, and I admire you in so many ways! You are such a beautiful, caring, and giving person and I am so glad to call you my friend! I love you so much!
Outside Again
Today was such a nice day that me and Britten spent all morning playing outside. We played with the dogs, took them for a walk, and had a lot of fun. Britten was actually being very cooperative with the camera, and posed for a few pics. I told her to hug the tree then say cheese for Mommy, and she did.....but then she decided that the tree needed a kiss too! Too funny! I know that everyone has been anticipating new pictures! Enjoy! Miss you all!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Fall Fun
Now that it is a lot cooler outside, we all like to be out there more. Britten loves to run and play....especially in the backyard with Kyle and Andi. She loves to get into their pen....and dog house....I will try to get a picture later. Britten thought that it was so neat that her and Mommy had a hood on. (Please pardon my no makeup HAPPY FALL TO ALL!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween
Britten was a kitty cat for Halloween this year......a very cute one! At first she was a little confused on why she was leaving the house in a kitty costume with her face all painted up, but as soon as we got to the Fall Festival at the church. she had fun. Our neighbors Gabby and her brother Mison went with us to the church. Britten got to slide down the big blow up slide, play some games, get a tattoo on her hand, go for a hay ride, and of course eat cotton candy. She had so much fun and loved being able to see everyone from church. We then came home and handed out candy to all of the trick-or-treaters. She couldn't believe how many knocks and doorbell rings we got last night! She was very helpful when we handed out candy...and very generous, too! I was scared that we were going to run out before the night was over because she was giving it all away! We had such a wonderful Halloween this year. Next year Britten will be old enough to do some trick-or-treating of her own! We missed all of our family in Texas, and we would have loved to see Taylor, Karlie, and Kaleb all dressed up! Love you all!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Making cookies
Britten loves to help out in the kitchen. It is usually a lot harder on Mommy when she wants to help, but she makes it a lot more fun, too! Her favorite thing to do is help with the mixer.....she also likes the oven mitts. She has all of a sudden grown so much in these past few weeks. It is like we blinked, and she had suddenly changed into a complete toddler. She is so smart, too. She can spell her name all by herself, and count all of the way to eight! She has such a good memory and picks up on everything. Something that she always does is grab her purse and ride her Dora car out of the room. We will ask where she is going and she will either say church or Wal-Mart. HAHA. She amazes us with new things everyday, and we are so thankful to have such a smart little girl. We figure in a few years she will be teaching us stuff!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
First toenail painting
The other day I got a pedicure and Britten sat in my lap and watched me. She was really interested in what they were doing with Mommy's feet. The lady offered to paint her fingernails, but Britten kept saying no. Britten was really caught up in how pretty Mommy's toenails were, and asked me to paint hers pink. She sat really still, and loves them. Every time she looks at them, she says PRETTY!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Georgia National Fair
Yesterday after Daddy got off work, we finally made it out to the Georgia National Fair. We had such a fun time! The fair here is is like the fairs that you see in the movies. Everything is built up around a small pond. It is so pretty to see the lights hitting the water at night. Although Britten got to go to the fair last year, she was too little to remember it. Let me tell you.....she LOVED it this year. The day started out with us scoping out all the food!!! Mommy and Daddy love this part!! (Britten does too!) After that we watched a puppet show, the pig races(Britten cheered GO PIGGIES GO, the whole time), went to the petting zoo, watched a man high dive from 80 feet, went to the petting zoo, then went through all of the exhibits. After that, we went to the midway and Britten got to ride the carousel with Daddy, and slide down the big slides with Mommy. The last thing that we did was sit around the pond and watch the laser show that was followed by the fireworks! This was one of the best firework shows that you can see. Britten was a little scared at first, but then when it ended she wanted to see more. The whole way home she talked about how the fireworks went BOOM......she even woke up talking about them still. Good news is we are going back tomorrow with our Sunday school class.....YEAAA!! More food and fun!
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