Staci graduated from LCU on Saturday. We are all so proud of her and everything that she has accomplished. She is going to make an amazing teacher!! After the ceremony, Staci, Chad, Dad, Dustin, Ally, Britten, and I all went to Benaglios to eat. We had a lot of fun. It was good to be able to spend time with my two sisters and their husband/soon to be husband. Of course, it is always fun to spend time with our Dad too! After that we went to my Moms house and me and Britten took a nap (we were very worthless that day) while Chad and Staci took engagement pictures. When they got home we ate a wonderful dinner that my Mom had made. In my mind I was thinking YEAH two free meals in one day! HAHA. I bought Staci this cake at United and she thanked me and said how sweet it was. I told her not to give me too much credit, I was just craving something sweet! Anyways, it was a WONDERFUL weekend. I was glad that I was able to spend some time with Chad and get to know him better. I am going to miss Staci very much! LOVE YOU STACI!