Isn't the power of prayer amazing? We are so blessed to be able to go to the God of the universe and talk to him. As you know, yesterday was a really hard day for me with Justin leaving. Up until yesterday, I don't think that I really believed that he was going to be gone for 120 days because I wouldn't let myself think about it. The hardest part of it all was watching him have to tell Britten goodbye. I held myself together until the end, and then I lost it. I know that I will always remember the moment when he held me and comforted me. He is such an amazing and strong husband. The whole way home from dropping him off, I sang the words to It is well with my soul. The more I sang them, the more I meant it. I know that this isn't going to be easy for either of us, but I know with Gods help we can do it. When I got home, I hit my knees and prayed for strength and courage. I prayed for Justin's safety and for him to have strength also. As I was praying, I slowly felt the burden of this all to be slowly lifted from my body. Isn't God awesome! To know that he listens to us and takes our requests and answers them amazes me.